Hi! I'm Mary Lofgren, Embodiment Based Coach & founder of the School of Sensual Living™. 

Over the next few weeks, I’ve opened 15 spots on my calendar for a free, 45-minute Embodied Life Audit. 

This is a deep dive into the main areas of life to discover where you feel free, and where you feel stuck. Using somatic techniques, we'll source the wisdom, clarity and truth of your body to create more joy, expansion, ease and fun.  

This experience is for you if: 

  • You are a female identified person (cisgender women, transgender women, non-binary and other identities that resonate with or as feminine are welcome)
  • You are at least 21 years of age
  • You desire deep sustainable change in life, not just a quick fix
  • You want to have greater impact with your actions, while using less effort
  • You want to live less from the worried chatter in your mind, and more from your fully empowered, deeply embodied self
  • You desire to be led to your own answers, rather than be to be told what to do
  • You understand the value of investing in yourself, and would be open to investing in coaching that feels useful, empowering and result oriented

The Embodied Life Assessments are currently full. 

These filled up really fast - but I do have good news! On Wednesday April 7th I'll be teaching a free class, where part of what you'll learn will be the Embodied Assessment process. 

Click here to learn more and reserve your spot at the free class.