Episode 18 - How To Take A Sacred Pause

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This morning, my partner’s beloved dog suddenly passed away.

At 6am I went over to his yard where we cried and mourned.

After he dug a deep hole, we adorned her body with prayers and flowers, and then covered her with red, moist earth.

This was not what I had planned for my Monday, but there was no place I’d rather be.

Ah, the Sacred Pause.

That moment where we pause, pay precious attention, let what is false fall away, and allow what is real and true to remain.

The Sacred Pause may happen intentionally, like taking a deep breath between ending your workday and making dinner, or it may be forced upon you through things such as an illness, tragedy or loss.

In this episode, you’ll learn four ways you can practice The Sacred Pause in your everyday, helping you adapt to the rhythms of life in a skillful and pleasurable way.

You’ll hear about:

  • One simple practice for interrupting the urgency of impulse around email and social media

  • A practice to connect with the slowest part of yourself and invite it to set the pace

  • A tool to intercept the stress response when your inner people pleaser takes over, and gently give yourself the space to answer from authenticity

  • A way to preserve your energy and feel more present in your everyday through graceful transitions

May these tools help the pauses in your life feel more fertile, more enjoyable, and more easy to embrace.

With Love,



Episode 19 - The Art of Living Sensually


Episode 17 - Embodying Purpose with Rodrick Covington